Incorporating Supervised Exercise Therapy into an Existing Cardiac Rehab Program
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- Member - $39
Presented by: Wendy Atchley, MSN, RN, CCRP; Makenzie Stade, MS, ACSM-RCEP No relevant disclosures.
Description: This presentation, released as a recorded webinar in 2023, gives a basic overview of PAD with claudication, reviews the prevalence of PAD as well who is at increased risk. We will discuss how supervised exercise is an effective and value-based treatment for PAD and how this program can be started at a low cost within an existing cardiac rehabilitation program.
Learning Objectives:
1. Review the basics of Peripheral Artery Disease and claudication.
2. Describe the value of a Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) program as a treat for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
3. Describe practical strategies and considerations in implementing SET in an existing cardiac rehabilitation program using UC San Diego Health as an example.
Viewing window: 60 days from date of purchase