ECG Webinar Series: From Fundamentals to Advanced Interpretation | Live Webinar #5: Putting it Together, Review and Practice
Includes a Live Web Event on 05/21/2025 at 11:00 AM (CDT)
- Non-member - $90
- Member - $75
Presented by Franklin Zimmerman, MD, FAACVPR
No relevant disclosures.
1.00 AACVPR CEUs | 1.00 ANCC CEUs - pending approval
Topics Covered in this Webinar: Structured electrocardiographic interpretation, 12-lead ECG examples, and Q&A.
Webinar Course Description: This webinar will discuss the importance of structured ECG reporting. It will review diagnostic criteria for key ECG diagnoses and interpret real-world ECGs using the concepts learned throughout the series.
Webinar Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of structured ECG reporting.
2. Review diagnostic criteria for key ECG diagnoses.
3. Interpret real-world ECGs using the concepts learned.
A recording will be made available following the webinar. There is a 60 day viewing window for the recording.